Kokufu Bonsai Ten, Part III, #90+ (2016-present)

("National Bonsai Exhibition")

Kokufu ten calligraphy
Koku       Fu          Bon        Sai       Ten

Compiled by Robert J. Baran, with William N. Valavanis

This Page Last Updated: February 12, 2025

The Shows by Year
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Most Albums

AT SOME OF THE KOKUFU TEN, #90+ (2016-present)

# 90
Trident maple award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Larry Ragle Sargent juniper award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Larry Ragle
Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 1:
Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)
Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 1:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis)

Shohin Bonsai Composition award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Larry Ragle Chinese quince award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Larry Ragle
Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 1:
Shohin Bonsai Composition

Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 1:
Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis)

Chinese quince award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Sargent juniper award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 2:
Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis)
Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 2:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis)

Japanese flowering apricot award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 2:
Japanese flowering apricot (Prunus mume)

Sargent juniper award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Crabapple award winner at the 90th Kokufu ten, 2016, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 2:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis)

Kokufu Prize, 2016, Part 2:
Crabapple (Malus sieboldi?)

# 91
Osakazuki Satsuki Azalea award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Japanese Black Pine award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 1:
Osakazuki Satsuki Azalea (Rhododendron lateritium var. Osakazuki)
Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 1:
Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii)

Japanese Five-needle Pine award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Trident Maple award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 1:
Japanese five-needle pine (Pinus parviflora)

Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 1:
Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)

Sargent Juniper and Shishigashira Japanese Maple award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Chojubai Japanese Flowering Quince award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 1:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis) displayed with Shishigashira Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira')
Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 1:
Chojubai Japanese flowering quince (Chaenomeles japonica var. Chojubai)

Chinese quince award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Chinese quince award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 2:
Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis)

Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 2:
Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis)

Sargent juniper award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Japanese black pine award winner at the 91st Kokufu ten, 2017, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 2:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis)

Kokufu Prize, 2017, Part 2:
Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii)

# 92
Sargent Juniper award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Trident Maple award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 1:
Sargent Juniper (Juniperus chinensis)
Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 1:
Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)

Japanese Black Pine award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Chinese Quince award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 1:
Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii)

Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 1:
Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis)

Shohin Bonsai award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 1:
Shohin Bonsai Composition: Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii), Dwarf kumquat (Fortunella sp.), Chojubai Japanese dwarf flowering quince (Chaenomeles japonica var. Chojubai), Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis), Privet (Ligustrum sp.), and Needle juniper (Juniperus rigida)

Japanese black pine award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Chinese quince award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 2:
Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii)
Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 2:
Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis)

Trident maple award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Needle juniper award winner at the 92nd Kokufu ten, 2018, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 2:
Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)

Kokufu Prize, 2018, Part 2:
Needle juniper (Juniperus rigida)

# 93
Japanese Flowering Apricot award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Japanese Maple award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 1:
Japanese flowering apricot (Prunus mume)
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 1:
Japanese maple (Acer palmatum)

Sargent Juniper award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 1:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis var. sargenti)

Trident maple award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Magnolia award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 2:
Trident Maple (Acer buergerianum)
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 2:
Magnolia (Magnolia liliflora 'Nigra')

Japanese five-needle pine award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Shohin bonsai composition award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 2:
Japanese five-needle pine (Pinus parviflora)
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 2:
Shohin Bonsai Composition

Japanese five-needle pine award winner at the 93rd Kokufu ten, 2019, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2019, Part 2:
Japanese five-needle pine (Pinus parviflora)

# 94
Sargent Juniper award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 1:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis var. sargenti)

Japanese Five-needle Pine award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Trident Maple award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 1:
Japanese five-needle pine (Pinus parviflora)
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 1:
Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)

Shohin Bonsai Composition award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 1:
Shohin Bonsai Composition

Historical display of some early exhibition albums and posters at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu 2020
Historical display of some early exhibition albums and posters

Japanese Five-needle Pine award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Chojubai Japanese flowering quince award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 2:
Japanese five-needle pine (Pinus parviflora)
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 2:
Chojubai Japanese flowering quince (Chaenomeles japonica var. Chojubai)

Hinoki Cypress award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Japanese Rose award winner at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 2:
Hinoki Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Kokufu Prize, 2020, Part 2:
Japanese Rose (Rosa banksiae)

Ezo Spruce at the 1st Kokufu ten, 1934, photo courtesy Wm. N. Valavanis Ezo Spruce at the 94th Kokufu ten, 2020, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu, 1934:
Ezo Spruce (Picea jezoensis) displayed in the 1st Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition.
Kokufu, 2020, Part 2:
Same Ezo Spruce displayed in the 94th Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition.

# 97
97th Kokufu ten, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
97th Kokufu ten 2023

Japanese black pine award winner at the 97th Kokufu ten, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2023, Part 1:
Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii)
in a rare Kowatari pot (Chinese made and exported to Japan during the 17th and 18th centuries)

Chojubai Japanese flowering quince award winner at the 97th Kokufu ten, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Korean hornbeam award winner at the 97th Kokufu ten, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2023, Part 1:
Chojubai Japanese flowering quince (Chaenomeles japonica var. Chojubai)
Kokufu Prize, 2023, Part 1:
Korean hornbeam (Carpinus turczaninovii)

Shadblow award winner at the 97th Kokufu ten, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2023, Part 2:
Shadblow (Amelanchier asiatica)

Sargent juniper award winner at the 97th Kokufu ten, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Shohin bonsai award winner at the 97th Kokufu ten, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2023, Part 2:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis var. sargenti
Kokufu Prize, 2023, Part 2:
Shohin bonsai composition

10th Japanese Suiseki Exhibition, 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
19th Japan Suiseki Exhibition, 2023

Hosokawa School of Bonseki 'Surging Sea' 2023, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Hosokawa School of Bonseki "Surging Sea"
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# 98
Sargent juniper award winner at the 98th Kokufu ten, 2024, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2024, Part 1:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis var. sargenti)

Trident maple award winner at the 98th Kokufu ten, 2024, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Japanese black pine award winner at the 98th Kokufu ten, 2024, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2024, Part 1:
Trident maple (Acer buergerianum)
Kokufu Prize, 2024, Part 1:
Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii)

Sargent juniper award winner at the 98th Kokufu ten, 2024, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis Chinese quince award winner at the 98th Kokufu ten, 2024, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2024, Part 2:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis var. sargenti)
Kokufu Prize, 2024, Part 2:
Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis)

Sargent juniper award winner at the 98th Kokufu ten, 2024, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
Kokufu Prize, 2024, Part 2:
Sargent juniper (Juniperus chinensis var. sargenti)
in an antique Chinese container, displayed with a superb small-size Japanese snowbell (Viburnum plicatum)

61st Exhibition Of Suiseki Masterpieces, 2024, photo by Wm. N. Valavanis
61st Exhibition of Suiseki Masterpieces

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