Professional Design Proofing

A web service offered exclusively by

2217 Bison Dr  Colorado Springs, CO   80911
Voice:  719.201.5332

Professional Spelling and Grammar Checking
of the English Language Portion of a Non-English Language Web Site

Are the English pages on your web site properly translated and displayed?
Unfortunately, many are not.

We will identify for you:
• Correction of typographical errors and misspellings
• Punctuation including abbreviations, contractions, possessives, and capitalization
• Noun-verb number agreement
• Idioms

1) Send us a web site's URL address for proofing of the already made English translation.
2) Within 96 hours of receipt, we will e-mail to you a list of recommended corrections which will allow your webmaster to complete a professionally rendered English translation.
3) The list will give site address, page address, text location, current translation, and recommended modifications to the text to make your English translation flawless in appearance.
4) We will bill you just $50 US for proofing of up to 10 standard-length pages of English text or picture captions.
5) During the next three months you will be able to submit up to 10 additional already translated pages in English from the same site to our service for proofing at no extra charge.
6) We will ask your permission to list your site as an example of our work.
7) Web sites with over 10 pages of translated text or longer time periods for additional page proofing will be quoted upon request.

We are NOT a translation service, but we will insure that the English translation on your site IS professional in appearance.

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