... you have been invaded by powerful microbes which can only be slowed or stopped by modern technology, pharmaceuticals or medicine?

... you did not listen to your mother, friend or doctor and now you are paying for your foolishness?

... you did not pay attention to or take care of a small illness, so it has now turned into a big disease which you can't fix?

... you cannot trust your body to stay healthy by itself and you didn't eat enough healthy food, exercise enough, get enough sleep, meditate enough, have enough continual positive thoughts, or stay away from all the bad things in the world?

... you are being punished by supernatural forces for known or unknown sins, for something you either did or didn't do?

... you are being punished by supernatural forces and in this way, at least, you have their attention rather than being ignored by them?

... you have been possessed via a curse by demons or evil spirits?

... you received excessive exposure to some form of radiation, weather element, biological or chemical irritant, geological or other potentially harmful natural feature?

... you are a member of a sick or unbalanced family or community?

... you have had too many negative thoughts?

... you were in an accident or suffered trauma?

... you were abused physically, verbally, or emotionally?

... someone bad made you sick or did this to you?

... you were going to do whatever you damn well please and we're all going to die anyway?

... you have emotional / psychological blocks of your creative inner life energies and fire which are being manifested in / channeled or distorted into physical symptoms, the relative visibility of which correspond to how much you are willing to face / deal with / pay attention to / think about / confront those issues, for the same power to create dis-ease can renew health?

... you need to have this disease as a wake-up call so you can concentrate on this turning point and be able to let go of unconstructive aspects of your life in order to create health, and an improved or even brand new life?

... you need to see clearly that your previous beliefs and behavior have not worked?

... you need to take a socially-acceptable period of rest and relaxation?

... you have been working or living too fast or busily and you need to slow down now and spend some quiet time with yourself or your family?

... you are unhappy with your life or circumstances, and this is either a temporary or permanent protest against that unbearable living arrangement or relationship, wrong job, loneliness, lack of adequate finances, adult responsibilities, wrong decision you made, powerlessness or other feelings of inability to reach your dreams or ideals, unrelenting stress, feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness, inability to verbally express your frustration, loss of dignity or meaning, or a general poor quality of life?

... you need the stress provided by having this illness in your life?

... your body is doing minor maintenance, having a "healing crisis" or balancing situation or recalibration, flushing out its system with a small illness as a healthy reaction to prevent itself from coming down with a more serious disease?

... you are exploring the creativity involved in replacing a problem with symptoms?

... you needed to structure your vague symptoms with a socially-recognized named disease?

... you are tired of giving all the time and now it's your turn to take?

... life just isn't fair?

... someone else who is kind of like you got this and therefore so should you?

... it is the flu season or an epidemic is going on / spreading and it is your turn to get it?

... in a meaningless world of survival of the fittest, this just shows how unfit you are?

... according to the scientific mechanical model of health, you are in need of better or newer parts?

... you want someone to take care of you, at least for a little while?

... you want the attention, favorite status, and rewards for being sick that you learned to get as a child?

... you are testing someone's love and devotion for you?

... you have thrown your biochemistry / blood stream / chi energies / spinal column off-balance due to temporary or long-term extremes in poor diet, insufficient nutrients, excessive intoxicating substances, inadequate sleep, insufficient exercise, shallow breathing, inadequate hygiene, insufficient exposure to sunlight, or poor posture?

... you are a victim of a genetic or congenital abnormality?

... you have not yet met a healer who you can trust or who really understands you and your condition?

... you believe that the power to cure has to come from outside you, from another person, belief system, higher power, or medicine?

... you needed a temporary, makeshift emergency measure to preserve the integrity of your personality after your old unifying system broke down and you are not sure yet if your new system will be strong enough to last?

... you wanted to explore what extremes your body and mind were capable of?

... you wanted to test fate to try to prove to yourself that you are indeed safe, that you can indeed overcome life's most dire conditions?

... it is our lot in life as spirits in the material world?

... you have taken authoritative "health" warnings too seriously and, overriding your body's wisdom, you have made yourself sick and have fulfilled the warnings' prophecies?

... it is your karma or destiny to explore the physical, psychological, social, or spiritual issues involving and effects of this disease?

Or, is it actually because...

... you are nearing the end of a productive life and this is simply how it will end?

... your genetic makeup has reached the end of its abilities to survive?

... you have fulfilled your destiny here?

... the second adolescence of old age with its renewed energies is just a sham and mockery that you don't want part of?

... in death you can have your revenge on those people who hurt or betrayed you?

... you have hurt innocent people and the ones you've loved with your terrible mistakes and therefore you should be punished and die?

... the future is hopeless and you have no reason to live any longer?

... life is hard, you are tired, and you just want some rest?

... this lousy world doesn't deserve you anymore?

... you are not worthy or important, no one supports or loves or cares about you?

... you can no longer compete and you've been squeezed dry by society?

... you want to go out at the peak of your game, in the prime of your life while you still have all your faculties?

... you are useless now, just a burden to society, and it is time to make room for the next generation?

... you want to move on to the next life?

... you are being called home to heaven?

--- or some personal combination of any of the above?


It all depends on the reason(s) for your dis-ease with life.
Our multi-dimensional existences are not simply "black-and-white."
There is no single "right" answer.
Sometimes just asking "Why?" is enough to start to uncover the answer.

© 2006-2017 Robert J. and Shirley D. Baran, All Rights Reserved.
(We have nothing to sell you or lead you to or turn you away from.)