2009 Fall Bonsai Show (and Sale)
Saturday and Sunday, September 26 & 27, 2009, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Worner Student Center, Colorado College, 902 N. Cascade Ave. This was our seventh annual show at this venue. For the first time we used our hanging dividers and showed off our new logo on a banner and sandwich board. Overall, sixty-eight compositions along with eleven accent plants, twenty-one suiseki/viewing stones, and one Chrysanthemum stone were displayed courtesy of fourteen members. The main trees included the following: Colorado blue spruce (5), Amur maple clump, Korean hornbeam forest, Brazilian rain tree, Sweet acacia, Chinese banyan fig, Willow-leaf fig (2), Jaboticaba, Trident maple, Shimpaku juniper (3), Ponderosa pine (5), Texas ebony, Satsuki root in rock, Blaauw juniper, Dwarf Hinoki false cypress in mossy rock, Engelmann spruce (3), Japanese maple (5), Japanese juniper (2), Norfolk Island pine saikei, Surinam cherry with fruits, Scented-leaf geranium, Weeping fig, Japanese greybark elm, Green Island banyan fig with epiphytic bromeliads, Dwarf Japanese juniper, Rocky Mountain juniper (2), Aspen forest, Ginseng ficus (large root), Dwarf Schefflera, Bristlecone pine, Japanese black pine, Siberian elm, Fukien tea; Plus twenty suiseki/viewing stones, one Chrysanthemum stone, and ten accessory plants; Plus a shohin/mame stand with miniatures of English ivy (2), Kingsville boxwood (2), One-seed juniper, Fuchsia, Siberian elm, European olive, Elephant food, Gooseberry, accent plant, and a suiseki; And a "Potensai" section with a Japanese cedar, Siberian elm (2), Dwarf Alberta spruce, variegated Weeping fig, and a Purple-leaf sand cherry. The top 3 vote-getters for the People's Choice were: 1) Dwarf Hinoki false cypress growing out of a very mossy volcanic rock, 2) Fukien tea, and 3) Brazilian rain Tree The raffle trees won were a Siberian elm and a Black olive. Photos by David Conlin, chosen by RJB to emphasize trees not seen in the previous years' pages on this site
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