2012 Labor Day Weekend Bonsai Show (and Sale)
Saturday and Sunday, September 1 & 2, 2012, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 30 West Dale Street. This was our first show at this venue. It happened to be held during the cut-paper display of Hyakkimaru's Kirie World, which made for an interesting background for some of the trees. Overall, fifty-five living compositions were displayed courtesy of fourteen members. The main trees included the following: Variegated Bougainvillea (1), Camellia (1), San José Juniper (1), Engelman Spruce (3), Rocky Mountain Juniper (4), Ponderosa Pine (2), Piñon Pine (1), Zelkova (1), American Larch forest (1), Red Lace Leaf Maple (1), Dwarf Umbrella Tree (1), Jaboticaba (2, 1 as a forest), Jabily (elephant tree) (1), Japanese Larch forest (1), Buttonwood (3), Campeche (1), Shimpaku Juniper (2), Dawn Redwood forest (1), Fukien Tea (1), Coral Bark Japanese Maple (1), Brazilian Rain Tree (2) Banyan Fig (1), Satsuki Azalea (1), Potentilla (1), Elephant Food (Portulacaria) (1), Colorado Blue Spruce (2), Scrub Oak (1), Cork Bark Chinese Elm (1), Black Olive (1), Sharp's Pigmy Maple (1), Japanese Maple (1), Juniper (1), French Lilac (1), Variegated Elm (1), Colorado Spruce (1), Mountain Maple (1), Little Leaf Ficus (1), Tiger Fig (1), Japanese Yew (1), Siberian Elm (1), Ficus (1), Chinese Elm (1), Larch forest (1), Bougainvillea (1), and four accent plants with a slab of petrified wood throughout. And a "Potensai" section with six trees including a cotoneaster, weeping hemlock, dawn redwood forest, camellia, larch, and a crab apple. (The latter was almost lost due to a week of no-care evacuation during the Waldo Canyon Fire. A few upper leaves are slowly coming back through rebudding and a number of shoots are sprouting up around its base.) Plus a shohin/mame stand with eleven viewing stones, six trees, one accent plant, and an assortment of mudmen; Fifty-one persons total participated in our two workshops both afternoons. Thirty-five persons attended our demonstrations. Eleven new members joined us over the weekend, and also one member returned after being away a few years. We welcome them all -- thank-you! Publicity for this show included this FreshInk blog posting. And the latest version of our handout was available. Thank-you to all the club members who participated in this show, which was spearheaded by Harve Wolfe and his show committee. Thank-you to all the members of the public who visited us. Photos by Robert J. Baran
The top 3 vote-getters for the People's Choice Award (262 guests voted) were: 1) #4, Pete Apostolas' Red Lace Leaf Maple, with 27 votes (tie) #34, Pete Apostolas' Japanese Larch Forest, with 27 votes 3) #11, Steve & Sonya Alford's Potentilla, with 24 votes
With fifteen members voting for Members' Choice Award, #40, Ross Huddleson's Colorado Spruce "The Wave" won with 4 votes.
Do reddish flowers only bloom on the right side?
A superb collected Ponderosa Pine, approx. 50-100 yr. old, front view
Back view
And top view
A trio of Buttonwoods
A trio of Desert Trees
A pair of Elms
Colorado Blue Spruce with wild Strawberry accent plant
Pyracantha Demo by Timmie Stewart, Before and After
The Kusamono Table
And the Sales Area, Saturday morning (which would be especially well-visited after the two 3:00 p.m. workshops).
© 2012 Pikes Peak Bonsai Society |