Magical  Miniature  Landscapes

The Comprehensive History of Bonsai and the Related Arts:
an eclectic, on-going presentation and archive
so you can better appreciate your interest in this
and extend your creativity with it.

Bonsai Book of Days Big Picture + French flag / German flag
/ Spanish flag / Itlaian flag / Brazilian flag / Netherlands flag / Japanese flag
Suggested Timeline

Podcasts / Blogs & Forums
Books + Japanese flag / French flag
Magazines + Spanish flag / French flag / German flag / Italian flag + 

Movies & TV + Spanish flag / Japanese flag / Brazilian flag / Italian flag + Paintings & Prints
Kokufu Ten  /  Taikan Ten +

Permanent Collections
Imperial Bonsai
Japanese Styles
Chinese Schools

John Y. Naka + Brazilian flag
Kyuzo Murata + Brazilian flag / Greek flag
Saburo Kato + Brazilian flag
Yuji Yoshimura

Teacher Lineages
Teacher Interviews
All The Plants
Less Usual Plants

Pen - Pots / and Potters
Tools / Accessories
Hachi-No-Ki + Brazilian flag

All the Nations
Many Enthusiasts
Early Reports

Current Archives + Spanish flag + German flag
Older Articles + French flag On Postage Stamps Term Origins + Chinese flag / Japanese flag

NOTE: We are currently looking for digitized film and videotape recordings of teachers, exhibits, etc. to also archive.  Please contact us if you have any.

Some Don't Knows
Bonsai Futures
Pyramid Dancer Books
About RJB

Site Kudos & Credits Portulacaria Monograph On This Creative Process Important Links

Full Site Map

If you are re-visiting a page, please be sure to refresh the page in your browser to see any updates.

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search engine by freefind

If you have any comments or suggestions on the information or presentation of this site
(including how to make the site easier to use and get around on),
have discovered any broken or bad links,
believe that your story has historic value and might be a worthy addition here,
know of a teacher, student or artist who should be included here,
want to copy an article for your website, newsletter or blog,
are interested in making a non-English mirror site,
want to translate an article for your non-English website, newsletter or blog,
want to find out more about any of this,
or if you would like to Skype with me, please e-mail me at .

I am also on     Facebook to Robert J. baran     ,     LinkedIn to Robert Baran    ,     and     MeWe to MagiMiniLand

Unless otherwise specifically stated, all pages herein  © 1999-2024  Robert J. Baran
All rights reserved.

While simple image editing such as cropping, color saturation or contrast changes have been employed
at times herein as well as some machine translation of text and, of course,
the continual use of several general or specialty search engines to hunt for text and images,
no Photoshop, LLM or any other AI technology has been used in the creation,
design or maintenance of this website.
In other words, all references in this work are genuine,
none of the text or graphics herein are machine-compiled or composited -- they are all human-generated,
a majority of them before computers were used to archive such things.
Any "data mining" for this website is done painstakingly long-hand and
usually with an on-going spreadsheet by RJB.
This is not to say that we will never use AI on this, but not right now.

Locations of Site Visitors
Visitors who specifically come first to this home page.
An unknown number of visitors come in to this site by way of our other pages first.